Our services.

  • Legal Research & Writing

    Whether you need a firmly worded letter or an appellate brief, our base pricing for law firms, businesses, and individual clients starts at $75 per hour, including research service subscription and insurance costs. Project-based and income-based pricing available.

  • Legal Case Review

    A service for individuals and small to mid-sized businesses — when you need a licensed attorney to listen to your situation and give you informed counsel about your options. Base pricing starts at $125, including at least two consulting sessions and a written summary with recommendations. Final pricing is based on complexity of case and is set at first consultation. Income-based pricing available.

  • Legal Consultation

    Consultation as a chaired member of your legal team, an informal consultant, or an expert witness. Fees start at $125 per hour, plus travel costs outside Pulaski County. Areas of expertise include disability rights, youth justice and extended juvenile jurisdiction (Arkansas and nationwide), and data privacy governance.

  • Disability Case Review

    If you or someone in your care is living with a disability, navigating benefits, healthcare, education, living arrangements, and other facts and functions of daily living can be a challenge. We offer comprehensive case review starting at $125 to help develop a sustainable case management and care plan. Physician or rehab consultation available for additional cost.

  • Data Privacy & Compliance Assessments

    From basic privacy impact assessments to comprehensive business compliance audits, we offer a range of services for business clients to help you assess your current practices, improve processes, and find cost-efficient solutions to get ahead of emerging laws and standards. Assessments start at $250.

  • Healthcare Advocacy

    When you’re sick, you need someone in your corner — someone to make sure you are heard, believed, and given the treatment you need. Healthcare advocate services start at $250 for the initial consultation and clinical visit. Additional clinic visits are charged separately or on a subscription basis. Income-based pricing available. Physician consultation available for additional cost.

  • Case Triage (Law Firms Only)

    Let us help you find the gemstone cases! Law firms contract with us to triage their “tough calls” - the cases that need a little more time and research to evaluate. You give us your criteria, we talk to the clients, do the legal research, and write up our summary and recommendation. Contracts can be written hourly or per case.

  • Limited Scope Legal Representation

    Gemstone offers unbundled legal services and limited scope representation to individuals and small businesses to assist with uncontested, self-represented, or urgent matters. Pricing depends on complexity and scope of representation.

  • Dispute Resolution

    Gemstone accepts private appointments by parties to hear and resolve disputes using mediation, arbitration, or other alternative dispute resolution methodology. Not registered to accept court appointments. Arkansas law applied unless all parties agree otherwise.